Frankie’s Legacy: How He’s Touched Our Lives


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Steve Aupperle, Rockford, IL

My story is short, but I hope it is meaningful. I started dancing two years ago after prodding from a family friend. Little did I know, that it would become as big a part of my life as it has. Last year, I started hearing and reading about this 'Frankie' guy and how Lindy got its start. "Holy cow, this guy is 94 and still doing this?" Knowing that has been an inspiration in my life and in my dancing.

Frankie, I finally met you at Lindyfest in Houston this past March. You were the reason I went. The workshops and dancing were great. But it truly was an honor to meet you. Hearing you call the Shim Sham was fantastic. Your lecture on Sunday made me feel like I was really there all those years ago. Thank you for teaching. Thank you for giving to this dance and this community of dancers. Thank you for the dance as we know it today.

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